
Chapter 6
6. Placing Shapes in a Scene
When you create a geometry, it has a specied size, location, and orientation, as dened
in its own space. You place such a geometry
In relationship to other shapes in the same scene.
Into the coordinate system of the root node, known as world space.
This chapter describes how to perform each of those tasks.
The nal transformation that affects the view of the user is that created with the camera.
Rotating the camera has an obvious affect on the view of the scene. To read more about
the camera transformation, see Using a Camera to View a Scene on page 98.
This chapter has the following sections:
•“Creating a Sense of Depth on page 77.
•“Transforming Shapes to New Locations, Sizes, and Orientations on page 79.
Creating a Sense of Depth
Geometries are layered by Cosmo 3D according to the order in which they are rendered.
For example, the rst geometry rendered is usually covered by the second geometry if
they overlap.