
Vector Classes
The classes contain the following methods:
csBool equal(const csVec4f& v) const;
csBool almostEqual(const csVec4f& v, float tol) const;
void negate(const csVec4f& v);
float dot(const csVec4f& v) const;
void add(const csVec4f& v1, const csVec4f& v2);
void sub(const csVec4f& v1, const csVec4f& v2);
void scale(float s, const csVec4f& v);
void addScaled(const csVec4f& v1, float s, const csVec4f& v2);
void combine(float a, const csVec4f& v1, float b, const,
csVec4f& v2);
float sqrDistance(const csVec4f& v) const;
float normalize();
float length() const;
float distance(const csVec4f& v) const;
void xformPt(const csVec4f& v, const csMatrix4f& m);
void xformVec(const csVec4f& v, const csMatrix4f& m);
The methods have the following functionality:
almostEqual()returns TRUE if the values are within tol of each other.
negate()negates the vector, which, in effect, reverses its direction.
scale()enlarges or reduces a vector by the multiplier passed in.
addScaled()adds to a vector the scaled vector passed in.
combine()performs the vector addition of two vectors.
sqrDistance()provides the distance squared.
normalize()makes the vector orthogonal to its original direction.
distance()determines the distance between two vectors.
xformPt()transforms the point by the matrix passed in.
xformVec()transforms the vector by the matrix passed in.