About This Guide
Cosmo 3D is a new toolkit that brings 3D graphics programming to desktop applications.
Cosmo 3D is a scene graph API; its concepts are new, but similar to concepts developed
in Open Inventor, Performer, and OpenGL.
This guide shows you how to develop Cosmo 3D applications. Included are descriptions
of Cosmo 3D applications that you can run on your workstation, as well as code
examples that you can use as a guide when developing your Cosmo 3D applications.
This guide presents the developer’s view of the Cosmo 3D’s C++ library with C++
What This Guide Contains
This guide presents information about Cosmo 3D in a task-oriented manner: the topics
in this guide are arranged to coincide with the order in which you need to refer to them
while writing a Cosmo 3D application. To illustrate the use of Cosmo 3D, code examples
are sprinkled throughout the guide. Additional sample source code is provided in the
/usr/share/optimizer/cosmo1.1/cosmo/test/C++ directory.
Brief descriptions of the chapters in this guide follow:
• Chapter 1, “Getting Started with Cosmo 3D,” provides an overview of Cosmo 3D,
introduces some of its most basic classes, and lists the steps involved in creating a
typical application.
• Chapter 2, “Creating Geometries,” discusses large, ready-made geometries, such as
csSphere and csCube objects, and explains how to use the csGeoSet-derived
classes provided by Cosmo 3D and how to create your own csGeoSet-derived