Chapter 10: Scene Graph Engines
csInterpolator is the base class for the following engines:
• csColorInterpolator
• csCoordinateInterpolator
• csNormalInterpolator
• csOrientationInterpolator
• csPositionInterpolator
• csScalarInterpolator
The following csEngines can be used to change the features of a shape:
• csMorphVec—produces a weighted sum of attribute sets. Derived classes include
csMorphVec3f and csMorphVec4f.
• csTransformEng—transforms attribute sets consisting of points or vectors
(homogeneous coordinate implicitly 1 or 0 respectively). Derived classes include
csTransformEng3f is derived from csTransformEng.
The following sections describe each of these nodes.
Engines that Interpolate Values
csInterpolator is an abstract base class that interpolates between keys, as shown in
Figure 10-1. The keys might be location, normal, or rotation values.
Figure 10-1 Keys and Key Values
Key values, attributes