TrackPoint events represent unclamped drag positions of the geometry in the XY plane
of local or world space, depending on the value set in csPlaneSensor::setCoordFrame().
For more information about setCoordFrame(), see “Local or World Translations” on
page 133
To return trackPoint events, use the following method:
Local or World Translations
The translation of geometry associated with a csPlaneSensor occurs either in local or
world space according to the value set in the following method:
The argument of the method can be either LOCAL or WORLD.
csPlaneSensor Offsets
You can offset the translation of the geometry using the following method:
csPlaneSensor::setOffset(csVec3f offset);
This method adds offset to the translation value derived from the motion of the pointer
setAutoOffet() sets the value of offset in setOffset() to the value of the translation when
the csSphereSensor is deactivated.
To enable autoOffset, call the following method with an argument that evaluates TRUE:
csPlaneSensor::setAutoOffset(csBool autoOffset);
In the case where a csPlaneSensor is used to translate its associated geometry, setting
autoOffset to TRUE keeps the geometry from snapping back to its original position when
the csPlaneSensor is activated for a second time.