System & Station
Program 03 for DK424i – Flexible PCB Cabinet Slot Assignments
3-10 Strata DK Programming 5/00
When installing RCIU2/RCIS, enter the Caller ID circuit numbers on the record sheet in place of
the CO line number. Each RCIU2/RCIS slot uses eight Caller ID circuits. RCIU2/RCIS circuit
numbers are assigned automatically in numerical order (001~200) starting with the lowest slot
number, to the highest RCIU2/RCIS slot number in 8-circuit increments.
Important! If more than four circuits are needed, never install an RCIU without an RCIS.
On DK424 and DK424i, RCIU2/RCIS can be installed in any universal slot except slot 11 or if
RSIU is installed, slot 12; they do not have to be installed adjacent to corresponding CO lines.
Refer to Program *50 to manually assign RCIU2/RCIS circuits to CO line circuits.
Code 61 must be set for all RWIU slots including slots that are vacant because they support RWIU
channels 09~32.
The table below gives you slot locations and PCB Code Assignments for all processor PCBs.
Note When using RCTUA, Slot 15 and 16 does not support Speaker OCA or DIU Data
Switching. RCTUA does not support RS-232 Voice Mail Integration (SMDI), and
attendant console features.
If an RSIU is installed in base cabinet slot 11, you must connect the programming station to circuit
6 in slot 12. In this case, a PDKU or PEKU should be installed in slot 12 and Station Port Number
000~007 will be in slot 12.
If an RSIU is not installed, you must connect the programming station to circuit 6 in slot 11 (Port
005) and/or circuit 6 in slot 12 (port 013). The station must be a 20-button digital LCD or
electronic LCD telephone. Also, if an RSIU is not installed, install a PDKU or PEKU in slot 11.
Processor R11 Slot
Cabinet 1
Slot Code
PCB Code
RCTUA No Yes 00 91~94
RCTUB No Yes 00 91~94
RCTUBA Yes No 00 91~94
RCTUBB No Yes 01 91
RCTUC Yes No 00 91~94
RCTUD No Yes 01 91~94
RCTUE Yes No 00 91~94
RCTUF No Yes 01 91~94
Processor B101 Slot
B102 Slot
Cabinet 1
Slot Code
PCB Code
PCB Codes:
91 = No RRCS
92 = 4 -circuit RRCS
93 = 8 -circuit RRCS
94 = 12 -circuit RRCS
= 2, 3, or 5
B1CU No Yes 00 91~94
Yes No 00 91~94
No Yes 01 91~94