Least Cost Routing
Program 50-2 – LCR Home Area Code
Strata DK Programming 5/00 5-11
Least Cost Routing
Program 51 Overview
Use Program 51 to define which area code calls are placed over which LCR Plan Number (01~08
or 01~16). Therefore, calls made to all area codes are routed over route definitions defined in
Program 54 for Plan 08 or 16, following the time schedule specified by Program 53 for Plan 08 or
16 (unless other assignments are made in plans 1~15).
Every route plan can be assigned to define a set of area codes and/or office codes.
011 can be entered as an Area Code into any LCR plan to route direct dial international calls via
Any area code entered in a Program 51 LCR area code table for plans 1~15 is subtracted from Plan
16. An area code cannot be lost. If it is subsequently deleted from Plans 01~07 or Plans 01~15,
LCR software automatically adds it to Plan 08 or 16.
Remember that LCR matches the home area code entered in Program 50-2 with the LCR route
plan containing the home area code in its Area Code Table. The home area code must be entered
into one of the 16 available LCR route plans through Program 51. Thus, LCR is informed of how
to handle local calls.
Typically, systems are configured to have the LCR route plan containing the home area code as the
same as the local route plan defined in Program 50-5. This usually is programmed by the installer
to be Route Plan Number 1, rather than the default Plan 08 or 16.
HMIS Example
Plan 01 includes home area code, 800, 888. Plan 08 includes long distance area codes. Plan 16 is
used for RCTUC/D and RCTUE/F processors. The following table gives you an example of how
you might set up Program 51 for the HMIS:
LCR Plan: 01 LCR Plan: 02 LCR Plan: 08 LCR Plan:
Data = Area Code(s) Data = Area Code(s) Data = Area Code(s) Data = Area Code(s)
714 000 713
800 715 799
888 801 887
889 999