DKT2000 series ~ HDSS
Strata DK Programming 5/00 GL-3
DKT2000 series Toshiba proprietary digital telephones consisting of four models: two 10-button models with
handsfree answerback and/or LCD display and two 20 button telephones with speakerphone
or a speakerphone with LCD display.
DKSU14A Strata DK14 Key Service Unit (KSU) with power supply. Equipped with two loop start CO line
circuits and four digital telephone circuits built-in. Includes external page interface, MOH/
BGM interface, power failure transfer and miscellaneous relay control.
DKSUB280 or
Base Cabinet—Unit that houses the Common Control Unit (RCTU), as well as six universal
slots for station, line, and option PCBs. The Base Cabinet also contains a power supply that
provides power for all of the stations and peripherals connected to the base cabinet PCBs.
DKSUE280 or
Expansion Cabinet—Optional unit that has six universal slots for station, line, and option
PCBs. The expansion cabinet has a power supply that furnishes power for all of the stations
and peripherals connected to the expansion cabinet PCBs. As many as five expansion
cabinets can be added to the system.
DKSUBI40 Strata DK40i Base Key Service Unit (KSU) with power supply and battery charger. Equipped
with eight digital telephone circuits built-in, and no CO line circuits. Includes external page
interface, MOH/BGM interface, power failure transfer and miscellaneous relay control.
[DN] Directory Number.
DNIS Dialed Number Identification Service—Telephone number of called party is sent to the Strata
DK over incoming DID or tie lines. This feature is provided by some long distance telephone
DPFT Power Failure/Emergency Transfer Unit—An optional backup unit that provides emergency
service during power failures by automatically connecting up to eight standard telephones to
designated CO lines.
DSS Direct Station Selection—Feature which allows a telephone user (as well as a DSS console
and ADM user) to call another station with the touch of a flexible feature button.
DTMF Dual-tone Multi-frequency—Push-button tone dialing.
DVSU A subassembly that equips a digital telephone with the capability to receive Speaker Off-
hook Call Announce (OCA) calls. DVSU is not required to receive Handset OCA (HS-OCA).
E911 Enhanced 911 operation that provides more complete locator information to the responding
EKT Electronic Telephone.
ESF Extended Super Frame.
EOCU Off-hook Call Announce Subassembly—An optional upgrade to the Electronic Telephone
Interface Unit (PEKU) or Electronic Telephone/Standard Telephone Interface Unit (PESU)
that enables properly configured telephones (see HVSU2) to receive Off-hook Call Announce
(OCA) calls.
FCC Federal Communications Commission—The federal agency which regulates the
telecommunication industry. All Toshiba hardware is FCC listed or approved.
HDCB Electronic Door Phone/Lock Control Unit—A peripheral hardware unit compatible with
designated electronic telephone circuits that supports optional door phones (MDFBs) and
provides door lock control.
HDSS Electronic Direct Station Selection Console—A device that helps facilitate the processing of a
heavy load of incoming calls. The HDSS console connects only to designated electronic
telephone circuits, and is associated with electronic telephones.
Term Definition