Toll Restriction
Programs 46-10~80 – Toll Restriction Class Parameters
Strata DK Programming 5/00 4-35
Toll Restriction
LED 02: 01 Restricted
Mark an X next to LED 02 if overseas operator or unassisted overseas operator calls are restricted
for the class being defined. If a station is allowed 0 + Credit Card calling in Program 43, LED 02
must be Off. Program 43 will restrict 01 operator assisted calls.
LED 03: 1+AC+555 and AC+555 Allowed
Mark an X next to LED 03 to allow the particular class to call all restricted area codes plus the
office code of 555, including out-of-area directory assistance calls. Turning the LED off does not
necessarily deny information calls. This may also be accomplished in the office code table and/or
the area/office code exception tables.
LED 04: Restrict Numbers Containing * or # Within the First Four Digits
Numbers set in Program *45-2X override the #/* restriction function of Program 46 (10~80)
Button LED 04. LED 04 applies only to the first four digits of a dialed number when no digit
restriction (Code 0) is set for the station Toll Restriction class in Program 48.
Turn LED 04 On only if Strata DK CO lines are connected to a Central Office that absorbs * and #
digits. The first four digits that contain # and * digits can be restricted (LED 04 On). For example:
if LED 04 is On, 17# is restricted when the # is dialed but 1751# is allowed because “#” comes
after the fourth digit dialed.
Turn LED 04 Off if the telephone numbers that contain * and # after the first digit should be
allowed (see Programs *45-2 and *45-3).