System & Station
Program 03 for DK424i – Flexible PCB Cabinet Slot Assignments
Strata DK Programming 5/00 3-9
System & Station
See the following text for specific installation rules on the above PCBs.
Program 03 for DK424i - Overview
Program 03 tells the system what type of optional PCBs are installed.
The Program 03 record sheet is the main record for the hardware configuration of the entire
system. It provides space to record station ports assigned to the station, Tie, and DID line PCBs
and line numbers assigned to the ground loop start, CO, Tie, and DID line PCBs.
See “DK424 and DK424i PCB Codes” on Page 3-7 to determine the proper option code for PCBs
with options. You must run Program 03 after installing PCBs with options such as OCA, RRCS,
DIU, etc. Also, run Program 03 for the slot of each new PCB when installing a new PCB in an
existing installation.
If universal PCBs are installed, Program 91-1 and 91-9 automatically assigns the appropriate PCB
codes to the installed slots. But, they do not assign option codes (such as OCA, PDIU, RRCS,
CAUTION! Running Program 91-9 erases Program 03 option codes; Program 91-1 does
Important! After completing Program 03 set the configuration in memory by running Program
91-2 or turn the base cabinet power supply switch off and wait five seconds before
turning it back on.
See Chapter 6 – DK424i Configuration (Strata DK I&M Manual) to determine PCB
slot placement.
Codes 41, 42, and 43 assigns PIOU/PIOUS RSSU TTY port as Remote Maintenance, MIS for
ACD, and SMDI respectively; SMDR, Paging, Relay Control, and other miscellaneous options are
active on the PIOU/PIOUS that has the lowest number code (41, 42 or 43) in the system. Codes set
for RSIU/RSIS/RMDS in Program 76 have priority over codes 41, 42, and 43.
Piggyback PCB / Speaker OCA / Data Interface Unit Options
Run Program 03 to assign codes for all options except RCOS. Program 91-9 erases option codes
assigned with Program 03; Program 91-1 does not erase option codes already programmed. After
completing all Program 03 data entry, run Program 91-2 or cycle system power to transfer
Program 03 data into working memory.
DK424i Expansion Cabinet 5
Slot Number S501 S502 S503 S504 S305 S306 S307 S308 S309 S310
PCB Code
PCB Type
Port Numbers
CO/Tie/DID/ISDN Line Numbers