System & Station
Program 30 – Station Class of Service
Strata DK Programming 5/00 3-81
System & Station
6. LED buttons 01~20
LED buttons 01~20 activate features for each station port or port
range. Make the following selections by turning the appropriate button
LED On or Off for each item (01~20) for each port, as marked on the
system record sheet:
LED 01: Speakerphone Enabled
LED 02: Microphone Key Lock Enabled
LED 03: Microphone On at Start of Call
LED 04: Not Used
LED 05: Speed Dial Allowed
LED 06: Automatic Busy Redial Access Enabled
LED 07: Automatic Off-hook Call Announce
LED 08: Forced Account Code Enabled
LED 09: Toll Restriction Override Code Revision Authority
LED 10: DISA Security Code Change Allowed
LED 11: Dial Pulse (DTMF Off) for Standard Telephone
LED 14: Account Codes Verified
LED 15: Verified Account Code Revision Authority
LED 16: Traveling Class of Service Code Revision Authority
LED 17: Do Not Disturb Override Allowed
LED 18: Executive Override Allowed
LED 19: Privacy Override Allowed
LED 20: Not Used
If programming a port range, the LED indications are as follows:
♦ LED-On, all ports in range are enabled for that item.
♦ LED-Off, all ports in range are disabled for that item.
♦ LED-FLASHING, some ports in range are enabled and some
ports are disabled.
7. +ROG
Secure data in system programming.
30 Select
Data Programmed
Prepare system for another selection (go back to Step 5), or exit
Program 30 (continue with Step 9).
30 Select =
9. +ROG
Secure Program 30 data in system memory.
30 Select = ##
Data Programmed
Exit Program 30. Enter another program number or exit programming
mode (go to Step 11). Speaker beeps to indicate it is exiting Program
Program =
11. +ROG
Exit programming mode.
No. N-N
Jan 20 Sun 06:58
1. N-N = Programming telephone [PDN]
Action (press buttons + LED buttons) LCD Response