ENTER at this field to bring up the Target Generator. Select a new or existing
Station Block from the Target Generator pick list. Press Ctrl+O to review the
selected Station Block.
Directory Public/User A ‘Y’ in these parameters, and the subscribers’ name
recorded in the mailbox, allows the Subscriber to be listed in either of the
appropriate Directories.
Retention Days Remaining The number of days remaining before this block is
automatically discarded during system maintenance if unused.
Description The Mailbox Block is used to implement the Voice Mail messaging
features on SVMi-4. It also controls the operating characteristics specific to an
individual mailbox such as whether the Mailbox is announce only or if the sub-
scriber has Mailbox Administration capabilities. This Block maintains the mes-
sage notification details. The Mailbox is where a subscriber receives, sends, and
manages messages. The public caller may record a message after hearing a per-
sonal greeting from the Mailbox User and choose to review, re-record, send, or
discard his message.
Event pointers are used to provide the flexibility to handle messaging different-
ly for various modes of operation (typically at different times of the day).
Programming - Page 82