Samsung SVMI-4 Answering Machine User Manual

dialed by SVMi-4. Inter-Digit Time sets the time between dialed tones. This
value is expressed in hundredths of a second. The default is 8 (80 ms).
To access the Voice Studio, from the System Main Menu select VOICE STUDIO
and press ENTER.
The Voice Studio is a utility for recording custom prompts and announcements.
A series of dialog screens will lead you through setting up your system for
The Telephone Extension The telephone extension number to use. Enter your
extension or telephone number that the SVMi-4 will call to set up a recording
session. Typically this will be a conveniently located station on the system.
Leave the telephone number blank to review the prompt or announcement text
Prompt or Announcement Two studios are available to choose from. Select
either Prompt or Announcement. Select the Prompt (P) or Announcement (A).
Programming - Page 65