Samsung SVMI-4 Answering Machine User Manual

To log into the system press the ‘Esc.’ Key and enter the password, th
e default
password is 0000. You will now be at the System Administration Main menu.
And are ready to begin programming.
The key-strokes available to you during editing can be viewed by pressing F1,
and are as follows:
F1 Navigation Keys Help
Ctrl + E Save and RETURN TO Starting Facility
Ctrl + A Save Block As
Ctrl + O Save and OPEN Block or Prompt Text under Cursor
Ctrl + R Save and RETURN TO LAST Block in Control Path
Ctrl + N Save and OPEN Next Block of Same Type or Template Blocks
Ctrl + V Save and OPEN Previous Block of Same Type or Templates
Ctrl + F Find blocks that refer to the current block
F3 Sort in Current Object or Facility
Programming - Page 44