This useful feature will allow you to cancel any messages that have NOT yet been
picked up by the recipient.
5 Auto Play New Messages
If this option is enabled, after you enter your password correctly any new
messages will immediately begin to play.To enable (or if already enabled tog-
gle and disable) this feature:
■ From the Subscriber Services Menu press [6] for Mailbox Administration.
■ Press [5] to Set Auto Play of New Messages.
6 Auto Play Message Information
If this option is enabled,the date,time and sender’s name will be played auto-
matically before each message. If this is disabled, the information must be
requested manually by pressing ‘00’. To enable (or if already enabled toggle
and disable) this feature:
■ From the Subscriber Services Menu press [6] for Mailbox Administration.
■ Press [6] to Set Auto Play of Message Information.
This option will only be available if it has been allowed by the System
Broadcast to All Mailboxes
If you have been designated as a Subscriber Administrator, you may send a
message to ALL mailboxes in the system.
■ From the Subscriber Services Menu press [6] for Mailbox Administration.
■ Press [9] for Broadcast Messages.
This option will only be available if your mailbox has been assigned
Subscriber Administration privileges.
The Personal Administration Menu is used to set your password and record your
name.Many of these features must be allowed by the System Administrator.
1 Workload Management
Allows you to access to all reminders, both Active and Pending. If authorized
you can group your reminders as Commitments, Follow-Ups or Tasks for bet-
ter organization. The system will flag each reminder as Active or Pending
(pending means scheduled for future delivery).
2 Stored Numbers
Allows you to enter up to 9 stored phone numbers.The first five of these are
used in the 'Find Me' feature, but any of them (1-9) can be easily dialed using
only one digit followed by the pound key, to be used by many other features
from within your subscriber space. (ie: “Follow Me, “Message Alert”, “Pager
Alert”, and “Direct Call”).
3 Schedule Availability
Allows you to enter a weekly availability schedule for use with Night Personal
Greeting and the Auto Night Intercept feature. Follow the spoken directions
to enter the days of the week and times you are generally available to talk to
your callers.All other times you will be considered unavailable.
5 Place a Direct Call
Allows you to place a direct call out of the SVMi-8/SVMi-16E from anywhere.
You may either dial the number or dial a single digit 1-5 that corresponds to
a stored number (S
ee Personal Services, 2 - Stored Numbers). This feature
must be authorized by the System Administrator and can be limited or
opened to internal, local, and long distance calls.
7 Personal Administration
This area is used during the initial set up of your Subscriber Settings (see next