Polycom 1725-31424-001 IP Phone User Manual

Upgrading Polycom CX700 Phone within a Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Environment
DNS Type Name Port IP Address / FQDN
Internal Zone
A sip.<SIPDomain> N/A IP/VIP of Pool running Device
A autodiscover.<SIPDomain> N/A Internal IP/VIP of Exchange
server running CAS role. Note:
this assumes SIP URI matches
the user’s Primary SMTP
address in Exchange.
SRV _sipinternaltls._tcp.<SIPDomain> 5061 FQDN of Pool containing user(s)
signing into the OCPE device
being upgraded.
SRV _ntp._udp.<SIPDomain> 123 time.windows.com or FQDN of
internal or external time source
Internal Zone
A ucupdates-r2.<DHCPDomain> N/A IP/VIP of Pool running Device
A poolName.<DHCPDomain> N/A IP/VIP of Pool running Device
External Zone
A sip.<SIPDomain> N/A External IP/VIP of Access Edge
A autodiscover.<SIPDomain> N/A External IP/VIP of Exchange
server running CAS role. Note:
this assumes SIP URI matches
the user’s Primary SMTP
address in Exchange.
A reverseProxyFQDN.<SIPDomain> N/A IP of reverse proxy specified in
the ExternalBaseURL WMI
SRV _sip._tls.<SIPDomain> 443 FQDN of Access Edge server.
SRV _ntp._udp.<SIPDomain> 123 time.windows.com or FQDN of
external time source
External Zone
A ucupdates-r2.<DHCPDomain> N/A IP of reverse proxy specified in
the ExternalBaseURL WMI
Polycom CX700 phones running release look for time.windows.com by
default and use it if it's reachable. If not, they append <DHCPDomain> to
time.windows.com and try again (e.g. time.windows.com.contoso.com).
Polycom CX700 phones running 3.5.6907.35 use SRV records to locate a time
source but also checks for a time.windows.com A record for reporting its time back
to the pool (applies to and 1.0.522.101 also).