• Using the Directory
For example, to enter "Tom Jones":
While the arrow points to "Save
directory", press EDIT _].
20 items
Enter name
_ T:Next
l• !
I_°_ 1
I_em 1
I_°m_° !
I_em_ene l
Enter name
Tom Jones
_ V:NeXL
Enter phone no.
Press [-_.
Press (_ six times, then press EDIT _ to
move the cursor to the right.
Press _ four times.
Press EDIT (]_] twice to enter a blank.
Press _.
Press '_ six times, then press EDIT _] to
move the cursor to the right.
Press _ five times.
1 0 Press[3_ five times.
11Press [7--jeight times,
2When finished, press _1 (NexL key).
eFollow steps 5 to 7 on page 42 to complete
the operation.
• While entering names, the cursor will flash on the display.