Experiencing Multimedia 107
• Prefix. Specify how to name captured images and video clips. When Default is selected, the file name
of each new captured file is set to “IMAGE” or “VIDEO” followed by a sequential number, for example:
IMAGE_001.jpg. You may also choose to name files using either the current Date or Date & Time as the
• Counter. By default, the newly captured image or video files are named with a prefix and some
sequential numbers, such as 001, 002, and so on. To reset the numbering to “001” for your captured files,
tap Reset.
• Recording Limit. Specify the maximum time or file size for recording.
• Template Folder (in Picture Theme mode only). By default, templates are stored in the \My Documents\
Templates folder on the device’s Main Memory. If you transferred some templates to a storage card
(via File Explorer), set this option to Main + Card to specify that templates are located in both the main
memory and the storage card.
• Adjust. This option allows you to adjust the camera display properties, such as Contrast, Saturation,
Hue, and Sharpness.
1 In the submenu, tap one of the properties to adjust.
Alternatively, press NAVIGATION up or down to select a property.
2 To increase/decrease the value, tap the plus/minus icon or press NAVIGATION left or right.
The live Camera screen on the background immediately displays the effect of changes.
3 Tap to save the settings and close the submenu.
4 Tap to reset all properties to their default.
5 Tap to close the submenu without applying and saving the changes.