Release Notes for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10)
Documentation Updates
Table 11 CMI Service Parameters Not Included in Release 3.0 Documentation
ParamName Description
BackupCallManagerName This parameter defines the names of the Cisco CallManagers that are
going to be used for the CMI backup. You can use either the name of
a Cisco CallManager or its IP address.
BaudRate Cisco CMI connects to the voice mail system via an ETA/TIA-232
connection. This parameter defines that connection.
Recommended default value: 9600
Note Many voice mail systems can be
configured to use different baud
rates, but the one shown here
will frequently be correct.
CallManagerName This parameter defines the names of the Cisco CallManagers that are
going to be used for the CMI primary. You can use either the name
of a Cisco CallManager or its IP address.
DataBits CMI connects to the voice mail system via an ETA/TIA-232
connection. This parameter defines that connection.
Recommended default value: 7
DialingPlan This parameter is one of four that are required by CMI to register an
intercept for the voice mail system with which CMI is going to work.
Note Small systems without a
complex dialing plan usually
only need the VoiceMailDn
parameter. The remaining
parameters, DialingPlan,
RouteFilter, and
VoiceMailPartition, will default
to empty strings.