Release Notes for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10)
Resolved Caveats
CSCdt21490 MTP resets on 23rd 729-711
transcoding(VAD enabled)
When the CPU time is lower than a low
watermark, the transcoder takes no new
calls (and the calls will not be complete).
All new calls will be rejected. The
transcoder will not accept new calls until
CPU idle time goes above a high
watermark. CPU time is regained after
some active calls go idle. A high watermark
is used to reopen the new channels after
entering into a rejection mode, which is
entered when a call is rejected by a low
watermark. After the change, #24 call or
more calls will be rejected but will not
cause the transcoder to reset.
CSCdt21581 User experiences a fast busy when
transferring a conference.
A Cisco CallManager code change resolves
this caveat.
CSCdt23132 Bandwidth control with shared lines
results in only 1 line ringing.
A Cisco CallManager code change fixes
this problem.
CSCdt25478 Call forwarding on the same phone
inherits ring of forwarded lines.
A Cisco CallManager code change fixes
this caveat.
CSCdt27176 When user resets DT24 gateway,
Cisco CallManager crashes with
A Cisco CallManager code change fixed
this caveat.
CSCdt27572 Inbound callers get reorder; B channel
is out of service.
A CcRejReq message coming into the B
channel process (processpn9cuser) and not
being handled caused this bug. The B
channel hung in an uncertain state, but the
CO in the PSTN received it as available for
new calls.
CSCdt27581 User cannot delete partitions. This is an
error but m_com_error was not valid.
A Cisco CallManager code change fixed
this caveat.
Table 4 Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(8) Resolved Caveats (continued)
DDTS Number Summary Explanation