Release Notes for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10)
Documentation Updates
New Service Parameters
Table 9 contains new Cisco CallManager service parameters, with descriptions,
that were not included in the Release 3.0(5) Cisco CallManager Administration
Guide or the online help for the Cisco CallManager application.
Table 9 Cisco CallManager Service Parameter Updates
ParamName Values Description
CcmPriorityClass Default: 0 CcmPriorityClass = 0:
Cisco CallManager process runs in
normal priority class.
CcmPriorityClass = 1:
Cisco CallManager process switches
between normal and high priority class
every second.
CcmPriorityClass = 2:
Cisco CallManager process runs in high
priority class.
Default: 4 (seconds) Specifies timeout interval. Timer ensures
that, for calls made into CTI ports and
CTI route points, the calls are not
suspended, so that callers hear only
silence; if the CTI application controlling
the CTI ports/route points does not
handle the call.
After the Cisco CallManager notifies the
application (using JTAPI/TAPI) of an
incoming call at a CTI port or CTI route
point, the Cisco CallManager waits for a
configurable time for the application to
handle the call (as in accept, answer,
redirect, or disconnect). If the application
does not respond within the set time,
Cisco CallManager forwards the call to
the call forward busy number configured
for the CTI port or CTI route point. If no
call forward busy is configured, caller
receives a fast busy tone.