VX4101A Operational Modes
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
If the currently selected language is SYNChronous, any attempt to use an
Asynchronous Mode command or query will generate the following error
-210,“Settings conflict;Execute <:SYST:LANG ASYN> first”
SYSTem:RQUeue:SNUMber:STATe ON"|OFF"|1|0
This command turns the <sequence #> style of tags on or off. See the section
Response Formats for detailed information. Both query and command are
SYSTem:RQUeue:SNUMber[:SET] <seq #>
This command sets the next <sequence #> to be used. See the section Response
Formats for detailed information. Both query and command are supported.
SYSTem:RQUeue:QMODe [[ NEXT ] | ALL]
This command selects the instrument’s query mode while using the Asynchro-
nous Protocol. Both command and query are supported.
The default is the NEXT mode. In this mode, a VXIbus read is interpreted as
having been preceded by an implicit SYSTem:RQUeue[:NEXT]? query request-
ing the next entry from the queue. For every VXIbus read supplied, one response
will be returned from the response queue.
In the ALL mode, a VXIbus read is interpreted as having been preceded by an
implicit SYSTem:RQUeue:ALL? query requesting all entries currently residing in
the response queue. For every VXIbus read supplied, all entries in the response
queue will be returned in FIFO order, as one message separated by a semicolon.
The response queue is emptied as described under the SYSTem:RQUeue:ALL?
When using Asynchronous Mode, query responses can be returned in a different
order than their associated queries. Each response must be tagged with a unique
identifier associating the response with the correct query. The general form of a
query response in the Asynchronous mode is as follows:
The <tag> field can have two possible user-selectable formats:
H Sequence name
H Sequence number
Asynchronous Query