SCPI Commands for the VX4101A
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
effect if the VX4101A is using the Asynchronous Protocol. For more informa-
tion on Asynchronous Protocol, see Theory of Operation in Operating Basics.
This query returns returns in first-in first-out order any error messages which
have been queued. Error messages are of the form <error #>,error string. If the
queue is empty, this is reported as 0, No Error. Depending upon the type of error,
the error string may indicate which instrument generated the error.The two
possible language
This query returns the language, or mode currently selected for the instrument.
The possible languages are Synchronous or Asynchronous.
This query returns the options for which the VX4101A is currently configured.
The options are returned as the following codes:
H 1C (Counter 500 MHz Frequency Option)
H 2C (Counter Channel 3 Prescalar Option)
H 1D (32 Digital I/O and eight Relay Drivers)
H 1A (16 Channel Digital to Analog Converter)
H 1T (High stability TCX0 reference)
H NOOPT (no option installed)
SYSTem:OPTions:DESCription? <option code>
Provides textual description of the option codes returned by the SYSTem:OP-
Tions? query. See SYSTem:OPTions? for a complete listing of the possible
The VX4101A negates SYSFAIL* approximately three seconds after power-on
and is ready for the word serial Begin Normal Operations command. Full
instrument initialization completes in approximately twenty seconds from
power-on to completion.
NOTE. Polling, or querying the instrument as quickly as possible, might slow the
completion of the second initialization stage. A delay of one second between
SYSTem:READy? is recommended.
Query Response