SCPI Commands for the Digital Input
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Parameter Value
<count> Currently specified array size, which is 1+postmatch count if
pattern match is used.
<offset> (without match pattern) 1
<step_size> 1
<postmatch measurement
count, prematch count>
0,0 (match not found yet)
Parameter Value
<count> If match pattern is used or currently specified array size if
match isn’t used, the value is:
Prematch count + postmatch count +1 (pattern matched)
<offset> –1 times prematch count to postmatch count if pattern match is
used or 1 to currently specified array size if match isn’t used.
<step_size> Same limits as <count>
<postmatch measurement
count, prematch count>
0vpostmatch countv4096, 0vprematch countv4095
NOTE. Data starts at 1; a postmatch value of 0 is used to indicate that no match
has occurred yet).
FETCh? [<count>[<offset>[,<step size>]]]
Fetches the last measurement(s) taken after an INITiate. If you don’t use the
pattern match, FETCh can return all or part of the array size specified. If a
pattern match is used, then FETCh can also retrieve pretrigger data. For example,
if the pattern match is used and the prematch and postmatch buffers are full, then
FETCh? 8192,–4095,1 would retrieve all the data. For the same case, FETCh?
4096,1,1 retrieves all the postmatch data, while FETCh? 4097,0,1 would retrieve
the pattern match in addition to the postmatch data. To determine how many
prematch and postmatch points are available, use the FETCh:COUNt? query.
This query fetches the number of postmatch and prematch measurements taken
since the last INITiate.
*RST Value
Related Commands
Query Response