
SCPI Commands for the VX4101A
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Parameter Values
<timeout> 0, disable timeout
1–100,000 seconds
SYSTem:READy? 0|1
SYSTem:LANGuage <language>
This command enables or disables the IEEE 488.2 Message Exchange Protocol
Enforcer (MEPE). MEPE is enabled when you select Synchronous Protocol. The
MEPE is disabled and Query Responses are tagged when the you select
ASYNchronous Protocol. See Instrument Functions for more information on
Synchronous and Asynchronous Protocols.
SYSTem:RQUeue:QMODe <qmode>
This command provides a fast way to retrieve all responses in the Response
Queue. When the mode is NEXT, a word serial read will retrieve a single
response (assuming one exists). If the mode is ALL, then a word serial response
will retrieve all responses, separated by semicolons, currently in the response
queue. See the Theory of Operations in Operating Basics for a detailed
description of this mechanism.
SYSTem:RQUeue:SNUMber[:SET] <snumber>
When in ASYNchronous mode, this command specifies what the next sequence
number should be. By default, the sequence numbers start from zero and
increment by one after each query is received. Since the query for the current
sequence number has a sequence number in its tag, the query itself is the
sequence number which will be used to tag the next Query Response. See the
Theory of Operations in Operating Basics for a detailed description of this
SYSTem:RQUeue:SNUMber:STATe <state>
When in ASYNchronous mode, this command specifies whether Query
Responses are tagged with ASCII labels, or with the numeric instrument number
and an incrementing sequence number. See the Theory of Operations section for
a detailed description of this mechanism.
SYSTem:TIMeout <timeout in seconds>
Specifies the maximum amount of time a query is allowed to take. If the query
has not completed within the specified time, the instrument is aborted and the
TIMEOUT response is placed in the response queue. This command has no
Related Commands
Command Description