
SCPI Commands for the Counter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Parameter Value
<expected value> none or ignored
<resolution> none or ignored
CONFigure, SENSe
MEASure[1|2][:SCALar|:ARRay]:DCYCle|NDUTycycle|PDUTycycle? [<array
size>[,<reference>[,expected value>[,<resolution>]]]
This query performs a positive or negative duty cycle measurement. The
reference is the percent of the signal’s peak value, e.g. percent of peak to peak as
measured from the signal’s minimum. Note that DCYCle is the same as
PDUTycycle The <expected value> and <resolution> are accepted but not used.
This command will modify the following:
function - set to PDUT or NDUT
aperture - described below
aperture/events mode - set to APERture
The input channel attenuation, offset, gain, level and slope can be modified.
MEASure[1|2|3]([:SCALar]|:ARRay):FREQuency? [<array size>[,expected val-
Configures the Counter to measure the frequency of the signal on the MEASure
suffix input channel. The measurement is initiated and the result placed in the
output buffer. The units of <expected value> and <resolution> are both Hertz.
This command will modify the following:
function - set to FREQuency
aperture - described below
aperture/events mode - set to APERture
If autosetup mode is ON or ONCE, the input channel attenuation, offset, gain,
level and slope can be modified.
If neither of the optional arguments are used:
aperture is set to the default value
If only the <expected value> argument is used:
aperture is set to the default value
Related Commands
Command Description
Query Response