SCPI Commands for the Counter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
UNIT Subsystem
The UNIT subsystem command specifies the units for the phase measurements
as either degrees or radians and determines whether the units will be positive or
centered around zero.
UNIT:ANGLe <units>[,<zero>]
Parameter Value
<units> RADIAN
<zero> MINIMUM
Parameter Value
Specifies the units for the phase measurements as either degrees or radians and
determines whether the units will be positive or centered around 0.
MINimum will set 0 as the minimum measurement and return measurements as
0 to 360 degrees or 0 to 2 p radians.
CENTer will set 0 as the center measurement and return measurements from
–180 to +180 or – p to + p radians. Selecting AUTo will start as MINimum,
returning positive values only. The instrument will automatically switch to
CENTer if crossing 0 degrees (0 radians) in the negative direction and automati-
cally switch back to MINimum if crossing 180 degrees (p radians) in the positive
Command Response
UNIT:ANGL DEG,CENT values from –180 to +180
Sets the units to degrees
Command Syntax
Query Syntax
*RST Value
Related Commands
Command Description
Query Response