
SCPI Commands for the Counter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Selects a function and input channel without changing most of the set up of the
Counter. The input coupling and impedance are not changed by these commands.
The user must select the coupling and impedance that makes sense for the input
signal. The input attenuation, offset, gain, and comparator hysteresis are not
changed. However, the comparator slopes and thresholds are changed to defaults.
If INPut:SETup:AUTO (autotrigger) is set to ON or ONCE, the input attenua-
tion, offset, gain, and comparator hysteresis may change when the measurement
is started.
The possible parameters for this command are as follows:
NOTE. “DCYCle” is the same as “PDUTycycle,” “FTIMe” is the same as
“FALL:TIME,” and “RTIMe” is the same as “RISE:TIME.”
Selects a function and input channel without changing most of the set up of the
Counter. The input coupling and impedance are not changed by these commands.
You must select the coupling and impedance that makes sense for the input
signal. The input attenuation, offset, gain, and comparator hysteresis are not
changed. However, the comparator slopes and thresholds are changed to defaults.
If INPut:SETup:AUTO (autotrigger) is set to ON or ONCE, the input attenua-
tion, offset, gain, and comparator hysteresis may change when the measurement
is started.