VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
3. Launch setup.exe as follows:
H In Windows or Windows NT/3.x, use the File menu and select Run.
Then, browse to find setup.exe or type the drive letter and program name
H In Windows 95 or or Windows NT/4.x, use Start and select Run. Browse
to locate setup.exe and click on OK
4. Follow the directions of the installation program.
Following installation, driver files (see list below) will be found in locations
defined by the VXIplug&play Alliance. Where required, modifications to your
autoexec.bat and system.ini files may be automatically completed.
The instrument driver for the VX4101A is distributed with a number of C source
code files, header files, dynamic link libraries and other supporting files. A
breakdown of the modules that the files control are as follows:
VX4101. This is the high level “controller” portion of the driver. This part of the
driver does the actual communication with the instrument. The tkvx4101.c or
tkvx4101.dll files have functions which perform VISA function calls. The other
modules, making up the total driver, call functions in the tkvx4101 to get system
configuration information and to communicate to each specific instrument.
Device-Specific Files. The files supporting the specific instruments are as follows:
Table 1–5: Instrument-Specific Files
Prefix Controls instrument
tkmpdmm DMM
tkmpctr Counter
tkmpscan SurePatht scanners
tkmpdac Digital to Analog Converter
tkmpdrv Relay Drivers
tkmpdigi Digital Input
tkmpdigo Digital Output
File Locations. For the VX4101A driver, the following files will be in the
VXIPNP\<Framework>\TKVX4101 directory:
Driver Files