SCPI Commands for the Counter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
The <expected value> and <resolution> arguments have no units. The parame-
ters <expected value> and <resolution> are accepted but are not used.
This command will modify the following:
function - set to FREQ:RAT
aperture - set to default
aperture/events mode - set to APERture
if autosetup mode is ON or ONCE, the input channel attenuation, offset, gain,
level, slope can be modified
The SENSe suffix selects the input channel for the numerator, the <second
channel> selects the input channel for the denominator. Ratios of a channel to
itself are always one and the Counter will generate an error if programmed to do
it. <second channel> can be 1, 2 or 3. When channel 3 is not being used and the
Counter mode is EVENts, the <second channel> will be used as the input to the
EVENts counter. In the case where input channel 3 is used and the counter mode
is EVENts, the other specified input channel will be used as the input to the
EVENts counter.
CONFigure[1|2]([:SCALar]|:ARRay):NDUTycycle|PDUTCycle|DCYCLE [,dcycle
reference>[,<expected>[<array size>[,expected value>[,<resolution>]]]]
NOTE. Duty cycle measurements use all available hardware timers. When the
Counter is in this mode, the aperture is time controlled by software and has a
minimum period of approximately 10 ms. For event apertures, only a measure-
This command configures a positive or negative duty cycle measurement. The
reference is the percent of the signal’s peak value, e.g. percent of peak to peak as
measured from the signal’s minimum.
This command will modify the following:
function - set to PDUT or NDUT
aperture - described below
aperture/events mode - set to APERture
The input channel attenuation, offset, gain, level and slope can be modified.
CONFigure[1|2]([:SCALar]|:ARRay):NWIDth|PWIDth [<array size>[,<pwidth
reference>[,expected value>[,<resolution>]]]
This command configures the Counter to measure the positive or negative pulse
width time of the signal on the CONFigure suffix input channel. The units of the
<reference> are percentage. The units of <expected value> and <resolution> are