
SCPI Commands for the Digital Input
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Parameter Value
<NORMal|INVerted> NORM
<voltage_threshold> 2.3 V
<input_mask> #hffffffff
<repetitions> 1
<numeric_port_list> (1:4)
<channel_bit_list> (@1:32)
Parameter Value
<NORMal|INVerted> NORMal|INVerted
<voltage_threshold> 0.0–20.0 V
<input_mask> #h00000000 to #hffffffff
<repetitions> 1–4096
<numeric_port_list> 1–4
<channel_bit_list> 1–32
The ‘[:SCALar]’ commands set up the Digital Input for a single measurement
read, while the ‘ARRay’ commands set up the Digital Input for a multiple read
sequence. The rate at which data is read in is determined by the Digital Input’s
sample rate or handshake rate, depending on whether handshaking is enabled or
not. For ARRay commands, the sample rate is set to default. When a NORMal
command is used, data is returned as a 1 if the input is higher than the input
threshold and a 0 if the input is lower than the threshold. For an INVerted
command, the opposite is true. The data mode will be formatted, i.e. all disabled
bits will be returned as 0.
If a port list is used, selected ports will be enabled or disabled. Only bits enabled
as input ports can be queried for input. The port list can be comma separated or
listed as (x:y) for ports x through y.
Port Bits
1 1 through 8
2 9 though 16
*RST Value
Related Commands
Command Description