SCPI Commands for the Digital Multimeter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
range. The READ? query always uses the currently active measurement function.
If the CONFigure command above were followed by a SENSe:FUNCtion AC
command, a READ? query would execute an AC V measurement.
NOTE. If data sampling is in progress, issuing a READ? will cause the acquisi-
tion to be aborted, and a new acquisition initiated.
Command Response
conf? :SCAL:VOLT:DC 3,1e-05<LF>
READ? +1.23456<LF> The measured DC voltage
meas:ac? 10 +9.87654<LF> The measured AC voltage
conf? :SCAL:VOLT:AC 30,0.0001<LF>
read? +9.67890<LF> The measured AC voltage
sense:function res define the active configuration as 2W-resistance
conf? :SCAL:RES 3e+08,1<LF>
read? +123<LF> The measured resistance
SENSe Subsystem
The SENSe commands are low-level commands that customize the setup of the
MEASure? and CONFigure commands.
For example, if you issued the command MEAS:VOLT? 3.0, and the measured
value(s) are over-ranging, you can issue a SENSe:VOLT 30.0 command to
switch to the 30 V range without modifying any of the other setups of the DC
voltage configuration.
Each of the six functions (DC Volts, AC Volts, ACDC Volts, DC Current, 2-wire
Resistance, 4-wire Resistance) of the DMM maintains a configuration table of its
setup, which is independent of the other functions. The SENSe commands allow
you to individually customize these parameters for each of the functions.
SENSe:BANDwidth:DETector <expected frequency>|DEFault|MINiĆ
SENSe:FUNCtion <Measurement Function>
Command Syntax