SCPI Commands for the Digital Multimeter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Data Bin
6 1
33 6
15 3
35 6
CALCulate:TRANsform:HISTogram:RANGe <min>,<max>
This command sets the minimum and maximum values to use in a histogram
calculation. The
This command sets the minimum and maximum values to use in a histogram
calculation to be automatically determined. The minimum and maximum data
points will be used.
CALCulate:AVERage? [<count>[,<offset>[,<step size>]]]
This query averages a specified number of measurements in the memory buffer.
The optional parameters are for averaging selected values in the memory buffer.
The <count> parameter specifies the number of data points to calculate. If no
<count> is specified, then the last number measurements taken will be the
The <offset> parameter determines at which point in memory values will start to
be averaged.
The <step_size> parameter determines the number of measurements to skip
before taking a value to be averaged.
NOTE. In order to specify a <step_size>, you must enter the <count> and the
<offset> information.
This query performs a limit test on the current available data and returns the
number of data points that failed a limit test.
NOTE. You must call a CALCulate:LIMit:Upper, lower, or envelope command
before this query.
Query Response