SCPI Commands for the Digital Multimeter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
The [:SCALar] and :ARRay fields define the number of measurements to be
taken. Specifying [:SCALar] defines a single measurement acquisition (<Array
Size> = 1). Specifying :ARRay defines multiple measurement acquisitions of
count <Array Size>. If <Array Size> is less than 1 or greater than 4096, an error
will be generated. Note that specifying an array size of 1 is equivalent to
specifying scalar.
<Expected Value>
<Expected Value> is an estimate of the input signal amplitude. If a numeric
value is specified, the DMM will use the range nearest to the value specified to
make the measurement (rounded up). <Expected Value> can also be specified as
MAXimum, MINimum, or DEFault to use the function’s highest range, lowest
range, or to default to autoranging respectively. If no value is specified, DEFault
(autorange ON) is assumed.
Autoranging uses the currently defined range as the starting value for the
autoranging search. If enabled, the DMM continuously checks and adjusts the
input range whenever the signal exceeds the current range, or falls below 9.9% of
the range. Once the range has been determined, the DMM will perform an
autozero (if enabled). Specifying any value other than DEFault or none disables
autoranging. See the SENSe:RANGe:AUTO command for more detail on
Specifying <Expected Value> outside the function’s range will generate an error.
The <Resolution> field defines the resolution of a measurement by implicitly
defining the aperture time of the measurement. The aperture is the sampling of
the measurement acquisition. The greater the aperture, the more accurate the
measurement. If MAXimum is specified as the resolution field, the DMM will
use a 2 second aperture for each measurement. Specifying MINimum uses a
0.8333 ms (1 ms) aperture for 60 (50) Hz line frequency rejection. Specifying
DEFault (or none) sets the aperture to 200 ms. See the SENSe[.....]:RESolution
commands for the method used to determine the aperture when explicitly
defining the <RESolution> field.
For the MEASure:VOLTage[:DC]? commands, <Expected Value> selects the
range and input impedances as specified below. |EV| indicates the absolute value
of the <expected value>.