
SCPI Commands for the Digital Input
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
enable/disable state of all the input bits. A one in a bit position indicates that the
bit is enabled.
SENSe:PSELect:DIPort [:NORMal]|:INVerted <ENABle|DISable>,<port_list>
Enables or disables selected ports as input bits. The port list can be comma
separated or listed as (x:y) for ports x through y.
Port Bits
1 1 through 8
2 9 though 16
3 17 through 24
4 25 through 32
The query returns the enable/disable state of all the input bits. A one in a bit
position indicates that the bit is enabled.
NOTE. The SENSe:PSel commands change any previously-defined NORMal|IN-
Verted setting. See the CONFigure or MEASure commands.
SENSe:SRATe <sample rate>
Sets the sample (frequency) rate of input in Hz. The SRATe command is used to
set the sample rate of array SENSe commands and the input frequency of
samples taken in a pattern match operation.
If a numeric value is specified that does not correlate to an integer ā€œnā€ as
specified above, the instrument will automatically select the closest value.
SENSe:THReshold <voltage_threshold>
This command sets the threshold for all digital input bits. If the SENSe:PSELect
command selects NORMal, then inputs above the threshold will read 1 and those
below will read as 0. If the SENSe:PSELect command specifies INVerted, then
the opposite is true.
Query Response
SENSe:ARRay? <array size>
SENSe:MODE? 0 formatted, 1 unformatted
SENSe:PSELect? <input_word_mask>
SENSe:SRATe? <sample_rate>
SENSe:THReshold? <voltage_threshold>
Query Response