VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Duty cycle, 3–67
Error/event queue, 4–1
Errors, how VX4101A stores and delivers, 4–1
Event handling, 4–1
Fast Data Channel (FDC), 2–13
Commands for DAC, 3–194, 3–252
Commands for Digital Multimeter (DMM), 3–251
Commands for Digital to Analog Converter (DAC),
Control of, 1–2
Establishing a communication channel with, 2–15
Opening and configuring, 2–15
Principles of operation, 2–13
SCPI command structure for, 2–16
Sequence of operation, 2–14
Transferring data with, 2–15
Fast Data Channel (FDC) Commands
for Digital Multimeter (DMM), 3–251
for Digital to Analog Converter (DAC), 3–193
FETCh? queries
for Digital Input, 3–122
for Digital Multimeter (DMM), 3–221
FETch? Queries, for Counter, 3–73
FORMat Commands, for Digital Input, 3–125
FORMat commands
for Digital Output, 3–149
for Digital to Analog Converter (DAC), 3–172
Frequency, 2–27
Measurements with the Counter, 2–27
Front Panel, 1–8
Functional Check, 1–25
Location on chassis, 1–7
Types of, 1–10
Gain, 3–59, 3–63, 3–65, 3–66
Input calibration settings for Counter, 3–59
using DAC sample handshake mechanism, 2–52
Using the DAC sample handshake mechanism,
hardware tips for, 2–52
Hysteresis, 3–59, 3–63
Block diagram, D–1
IEEE 488.2 Commands, 3–293
IEEE 488.2 Protocol, 2–3
INITiate commands
for Counter, 3–77
for Digital Input, 3–126
for Digital Multimeter (DMM), 3–223
for Digital Output, 3–150
for Digital to Analog Converter (DAC), 3–173
for SurePath, 3–261
INPut commands
for Counter, 3–78
for Digital Multimeter (DMM), 3–224
Input Impedance, And the Digital Multimeter, 2–41
Installation, 1–15
Checklist, 1–30
Module installation procedure, 1–16
Requirements and cautions, 1–15
Self-test, 1–25
Slot 0 restriction, 1–15
Software installation, 1–17
Tools required, 1–15
INSTRument commands
for Counter, 3–89
for Digital Input, 3–126
INSTrument commands
for Digital Multimeter (DMM), 3–225
for Digital to Analog Converter (DAC), 3–174
for SurePath, 3–262
For VX4101A Multipaq Instrument, 3–11
Instrument Input/Output, C–1
INSTtrument commands, for Digital Output, 3–152
On front panel, 1–9
Status at power–on, 1–25
Logical Address Switches, 1–8
Logical address switches, 1–8
And installation, 1–15
Low Level DC Measurements, And the Digital
Multimeter (DMM), 2–42