4-20 Operation with a Full Function Handset
DSC transmission and reception occurs on Channel 70. When the DSC
signal is received, the unit quickly switches over to Channel 70 and performs
the corresponding operation. You will not receive a DSC call if the radio is
transmitting or receiving a non-DSC call.
Note: An MMSI number is required to operate the DSC equipment in this
radio. You can program the MMSI number yourself one time only using
the Menu Operation described in MMSI Number Set Up. Otherwise,
your Raymarine dealer can program or change the number for you.
Individual, All Ships and Group DSC calls come in three varieties: ROUTINE
for normal calls, SAFETY for advisory alerts, and URGENCY for assistance
when life is not in immediate danger. Individual Call to Another Ship (Ship-to-Ship)
An Individual Ship's Call is a DSC call made to a specific ship identified by
its MMSI number. The RAY215 can receive all three types of Individual
calls but can only transmit ROUTINE Individual calls. As with any DSC
operation, the call is made on channel 70.
Transmitting an Individual Call
To call another ship, you must select the Working Channel and a specific
MMSI number. The MMSI number is selected either manually or from a
Phonebook list of preprogrammed numbers specified using the MENU
function. To cancel the call, press and hold the CLR key for 3 seconds.
Press the INDV key to initiate the call data setup operation. After setting
the call data, press the PTT key to send the call.
To Make an Individual Call to Ship (ship-to-ship):
1. Press the INDV key. Ind appears on the 7-segment display and the DSC
indicator is displayed. Pressing the SQ UP/DOWN key alternates
between SHIP and SHORE.
Alternates with each click
of the SQ UP/DOWN key
2. Select SHIP and press the ENT key.