6-2 Appendix
Operator LicenseOperator License
Operator LicenseOperator License
Operator License
An Operator License is not required to operate a VHF Marine Radio within
US territorial waters. However, a license is required to operate the radio if
you dock in a foreign port (including Canada and Mexico) or leave a foreign
port to dock in a U.S. port. You can request a Restricted Radiotelephone
Operator Permit from the FCC by filing Form 753.
• Maintain a radio watch on Channel 16. Channel 16 is used for distress
and safety purposes only.
• VHF Channel 70 is used only for Digital Selective Calling (DSC). It can
not be used for general-purpose calling.
• Your VHF transceiver has a high low power switch. Use low power
whenever feasible. Unnecessary high-power operations can interfere with
other important communications.
• Always use your radio call sign at the beginning and end of each
• Be sure only qualified persons operate your radio. You are responsible
for control of your radio. Know the rules.
• Limit calls to other vessels to 30 seconds. If you receive no reply, wait 2
minutes; then try again. Keep communications brief and avoid chit-chat.
• Never transmit false distress messages, and never use profanity on the
Other Reminders:
• You can obtain a station license and call sign by completing FCC Form
605 and mailing it with the required fee (if required) to the FCC.
• You need a radio operator license to operate a VHF Marine Radio only if
you plan to dock in a foreign port or leave a foreign port to dock in a U.S.
• Your radio license is not transferable. If you sell your boat, request the
FCC to cancel your station license.
• If you replace your radio, you do not need to change your license unless
the new radio operates on another frequency band. If you install
equipment to operate on another frequency band, apply for modification
of your license.