6. Using Additional Features
ICX-35-750 ICX (International), issued March 1999 71
Press the right EXEC key to outdial a leading digit (usually 9 [UK/HK] or 0
[Taiwan, Indonesia, or Malaysia]) and dial the displayed caller ID number.
5. To store the displayed call log number in a personal speed dial bin,
Press the PROG key, the speed dial bin number (80-90) and press the left EXEC
key to dial the add digits (usually an area code) and press the HOLD key.
Press the PROG key, the speed dial bin number (80-90), press the right EXEC
key, and press the HOLD key.
6. To exit the Call Log, go on hook or press ON/OFF.
Call Log Format for the Large-Display Phone
You can view both the calling number information as well as the detailed
information on each entry. In addition, you can outdial the displayed number or store
the displayed number in a personal speed dial bin.
1. Go off-hook or press ON/OFF.
2. Dial the Call Log feature code (default = CONF 96).
The following displays:
3. Press # to move forward in the call log and press * to move back in the call log.
4. Press NEXT to view the next 5 calls and PREV to view the previous 5 calls.
To view, dial or store call log entry for a large-display phone
01:2015553678 Calling Number
Call Result
(blank) - Answered
- Calling Party
Hung Up
- Answered by
Someone Else
Call Log Entry Number (01 - 10)
Time and Date
of Call
###4:####0$5 #####:HG#############43=67#