Chapter 4: Programming 4-13
SetUsbKeyMatrix may be launched “by hand” using the Windows Start
> Run option, or any equivalent shortcut technique (desktop, quick-
launch pad, menu). If started in this manner, the command line can
optionally contain strings of the form “keyword{= value}”, where
keyword is one of the defined parameters, and value is an optional
numeric value to be applied to that key.
The following table gives the available command-line parameters.
Table 4: Command-line Parameters
Value (Decimal numbers) Value
Close Close any background session found n/a
runtime A number of seconds to remain resident,
waiting for additional devices to
0 = indefinitely
Keywords are not case sensitive, and may be abbreviated to 3 or more
Set USB Key Clicks Application
SetUsbKeyClick is a Windows application for the Desktop O/S versions
(Windows 98se, Windows 2000) that uses the NCRUsbKeyboardCtl
control to set keyclick tone parameters. The application operates as a
memory-resident background process for a duration that may be
specified on the command line. If no duration is specified, the
application remains resident until terminated by user action. While
resident, the application receives device-attachment notifications for
HID devices, and when these are received, invokes the
NCRUsbKeyboardCtl control to set key click tone parameters.