
MultiVOIP User Guide Embedded Gatekeeper
Gatekeeper | Services screen must also be set in the Phonebook
Configuration screen. In fact, if the ordered sequence above is followed
(tech config, phonebook config, gatekeeper config), the software will
automatically transfer several needed phonebook RAS parameters into the
fields where they are required in the gatekeeper screens.
Full details on all of the gatekeeper configuration screens are presented in
the “MultVOIP Gatekeeper Software Screens” section later in this chapter.
Saving the Gatekeeper Configuration. Just as you must save the technical
configuration parameters and the phonebook configuration parameters, so
also gatekeeper parameters must be saved in a separate step. In the sidebar
menu, go to
Save Setup | Save GK Parameters.
A dialog box will appear to confirm that you want to invoke the ‘save’
A second dialog box will appear to confirm that the save has been executed