2 Attendant Consoles
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100 Issue 2 June 1999 2-26
Requirements The following requirements must be met for PC Console to function properly:
• an IBM-compatible personal computer with:
~ a Pentium™-based, 100 Megahertz or higher processor
~ a minimum of 16 megabytes (MB) of RAM
~ a minimum of 4 MB of ROM
~ a 3.5-inch disk drive
~ an available COM port
~ sufficient hard disk space. The space required to support PC Console depends
on the number of users you are supporting, the amount of information stored
for each person, and whether you will include each person’s photograph in PC
• any of the following operating systems:
~ Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later (R2.0 only)
~ Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11 or later (R2.0 only)
~ Microsoft Windows 95
~ Microsoft Windows NT
~ Windows 98 (R3.0 only)
• a 2- or 4-wire DCP telephone with a PassageWay adapter, an 8411 telephone, a
CALLMASTER IV, a CALLMASTER VI, a 6424D+M telephone, or a
6416D+M telephone.
• local adjunct power (depending on your telephone)
• PassageWay Direct Connection