2 Attendant Consoles
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100 Issue 2 June 1999 2-25
The DEFINITY PC Console is a software application that enables your call attendants to handle incoming
calls efficiently by personal computer. Using the familiar Microsoft® Windows® graphical interface, the
attendants can easily keep track of how long callers have been on hold and for whom they are waiting.
Attendants can monitor up to six calls at once. They need not fumble with pen and paper when handling
calls, as they can make notes on their computers about what each caller needs. All this contributes to making
a favorable first impression with your customers. Having the call processing software on the same computer
with spreadsheet, word processing, or other software enables the attendants to stay productive between calls.
Your company directory is displayed on screen with busy extensions shaded. A variety of search functions
are available, so attendants can find names and extensions easily. On-line telephone identification enables
attendants to identify employees quickly. Calls are transferred with the press of a button. On-line help makes
it easy for attendants to remind themselves how to use the system.
The PC Console is easily customized, so even if attendants from different shifts share the same computer,
they can each preserve their preferences in the call processing environment. The PC Console is available in
English, Dutch, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese. If a Spanish-speaking attendant takes
over for a French-speaking attendant, for example, a single press of a button converts all labels, error
messages, and on-line help to Spanish.