Exchanging Messages
To exclude your e-mail address when replying to all
When you reply to all the recipients of an Outlook e-mail, your own e-mail
address will also be added to the recipient list. Customize ActiveSync so that
your e-mail address will be excluded from the recipient list.
1. In ActiveSync on your device, tap Menu > Options.
2. Select the E-mail information type and tap Settings.
3. Tap Advanced.
4. In the My e-mail addresses text box, enter your e-mail address.
5. Tap OK.
To automatically receive attachments on Outlook e-mails
Tap Start > Programs > ActiveSync.
2. Tap Menu > Options.
3. Tap E-mail > Settings, then select Include le attachments.
To store attachments on a storage card
Tap Menu > Tools > Options > Storage tab.
2. Select the When available, use this storage card to store
attachments check box.