If you experience any problems, please call the Helpline on or email
Selecting all messages will delete all
messages stored in your Inbox, Outbox and
Drafts box.
Text messaging
1. Press menU, text messaging is displayed. Press select scroll to
Delete messages and press select.
2. Scroll
or to inBox, Drafts, oUtBox or all messages and
3. Press Yes to conrm or no to cancel.
4. Press Back to return to standby.
Service Centre numbers
To send and receive text messages you need the telephone number of your
Network’s text Centre. If you accidentally delete the Outgoing or Incoming
Service Centre numbers you will need to re-enter them in order for your text
Service to work. You can enter up to 4 Service Centre numbers – two incoming
and two outgoing.
The Send Centre number is: 1470P1709400.
The Receive Centre is: 080058752.
1. Press menU, text messaging is displayed. Press select, scroll
to text settings and press select.
2. service centres is highlighted press select.
3. Scroll
or to receive centres or senD centre and
4. Scroll
or to centre 1 or centre 2 and press select.
5. Enter the number for the centre and press save.
6. Press Back to return to the previous menu level.
If you have more than one ‘Server Centre’
stored on your BT Synergy you will need to select
which one you want to use for sending
(see next section).