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Text messaging
Use nUmBer To call the sender, press select. The display
shows call. Press select to call the sender
OR to save the number, scroll to save and
press select. Enter a name and press ok, edit
the number if required then press save. Scroll
or to the ringtone and press select.
The number is saved in the phonebook.
Delete Press select. Press Yes to conrm
or no to cancel.
1. To open the Drafts box, press menU, text messaging is displayed.
2. Scroll to Drafts and press select.
3. Press eDit to edit your message content.
4. Press oPtions and scroll
or to:
senD Press select to send the message. Enter the
phone number or press searcH to open the
phonebook then scroll to the number you want
and press select. Press senD.
save Press select to save the message in the
Drafts folder.
insert sYmBol Press select. The symbol table is displayed.
or to highlight the symbol you
want then press insert.
insert emoticon Press select. The Emoticon table is displayed.
or to highlight the Emoticon you
want then press Insert.
insert temPlate Press select. The templates list is displayed.
or to highlight the Template you
want then press insert.