If you experience any problems, please call the Helpline on or email
If you have two text phone base stations plugged
into one line, you are likely to experience
problems receiving text messages. Normally, only
one SMS enabled base unit (DECT or cordless) can
be plugged into any line.
If you do want to use two base units and still
receive written text you must delete receive
service centre number from one of the base
stations. To do this on your BT Synergy, see page
54. This will allow you to send text via either
base station but texts will only be received on the
product with the active receive centre number.
If the base unit with the active receive centre
number is a DECT product then all handsets
registered to it will be able to receive text
Your BT Synergy can store up to a total of 50
short messages across all handset Outboxes,
Drafts boxes and Inboxes.
If the text mailboxes are full when you attempt to
write a new message the display shows
fUll Delete messages for 2 seconds. You
must delete messages before you can write and
send a new one.
Text messaging
senD is highlighted Press select to send the message.
Enter the phone number or press
Search to open the phonebook
then scroll to the number you want
and press select. Now press senD.
Or scroll
save Press select to save the message in
the Drafts folder.
insert sYmBol Press select. The symbol table is displayed.
or to highlight the symbol you
want then press insert.
insert emoticon Press select. The Emoticon table is displayed.
or to highlight the Emoticon
you want then press Insert.
insert temPlate Press select. The list of templates is displayed.
or to highlight the Template you
want then press insert.
4. When sending a message, the display shows senDing message then
message sent.
With standard text entry you can enter a word by pressing each letter button a
number of times to display the character you want on the screen. For example,
to write the word “Hello”, press
twice, twice, three times, three
times and three times.
When you receive a new text message, the icon is displayed along with YoU
Have x new messages.