If you experience any problems, please call the Helpline on or email
Using the phone
The Dialling Codes function automatically
converts SIM entries beginning with international
dialling codes to the local code. For example,
on a SIM card, + is the international code and
44 is the country code. These will be replaced
automatically by the local code 0 so that a
number beginning +44207 will be converted
to 0207.
You should not normally need to alter this setting
if you are using your BT Synergy in the UK and
your mobile to call UK numbers. If this is not the
case, then please call the BT Synergy Helpline for
assistance on 0800 145 6789*.
1. Press names.
2. Scroll to Dialling coDes and press select.
3. Scroll to the part of the dialling code you need to change,
international, coUntrY or local and press select.
4. Enter the new code and press save.
5. Press Back to return to the previous menu level.