If you experience any problems, please call the Helpline on or email
1. Press menU, scroll to agenDa and press select.
2. Stored events are displayed. If required, scroll to the event you want and
3. Scroll to sHow Details and press select. The description, date and
time of the reminder are displayed.
4. Press Back to return to the previous menu level.
1. Press menU, scroll to agenDa and press select.
2. Stored events are displayed. If required, scroll to the event you want and
3. Scroll to eDit event and press select.
4. Edit the subject and press save.
5. Edit the date and time then press save.
6. Press
or to select silent or alarm and press select.
If you press alarm:
or to select once or annUallY and press select.
or to select when you want to receive the reminder at
event time or 30 min
Before, press select.
Display shows saveD.
7. Press Back to return to the previous menu level.