142 Mail and Messaging
Record a voice note
You can create a stand-alone recording (voice note) or you can add a
recording to a note.
To create a voice note
1. Tap Start > Programs > Notes.
2. Do one of the following:
• To create a stand-alone recording, record from the note list.
• To add a recording to a note, create or open a note.
3. If you do not see the Recording toolbar, tap Menu > View
Recording Toolbar.
4. Tap the Record icon (
) to begin recording.
5. Hold your device’s microphone near your mouth or other source
of sound.
6. Tap the Stop icon ( ) when finished recording.
7. If you are adding a recording to a note, tap OK to return to the
note list when finished.
8. If you are recording in an open note, an icon will appear in the
9. If you are creating a stand-alone recording, the recording will
appear in the note list.
To change recording formats
1. Tap Start > Settings > Personal tab > Input.
2. Tap the Options tab, and select the desired format you want in
the Voice recording format list.
3. Tap OK.
You can also change recording formats from within Notes. In the note
list, tap Menu > Options > Global Input Options link (at the bottom of
the page).